jueves, 8 de enero de 2015

The Plan

The last few chapters of the giver have been impressive. Jonas found out that releasing meant killing, he saw a video of his father releasing a twin baby, and he saw it all, how the little baby suffered. He couldn’t believe that he killed him, he didn’t want to go back home. Then the giver explained that his father didn’t know it was wrong because he didn’t have the knowledge. Jonas wanted to get out of this terrible community, so the giver told him that he could leave but that the Giver himself couldn’t. So Jonas decided that he was going to leave at midnight. Furthermore he found out that the Giver had a daughter, her name was Rosemary. So before in the book Jonas had discovered that before him there used to be a receiver that wasn’t strong enough to feel that pain and that she asked for release, her name was Rosemary. The Giver told Jonas that he watched the video of Rosemary realease and he couldnt believe what he saw.
inocent baby 
"No one heard that little twin cry,either! No one but my father!" (152)

Jonas is seeing all the truth about his community, how fake it is. How do people do wrong things without even noticing, he is realizing all of this now. This shows me the importance of memory, in the book they are killing people without knowing that wrong they just dint know what they are doing, so memories are so important for every single person. Furthermore it doesn’t matter if the memories are happy or painful, pain, or pleasure, they help us in our daily lives. So this quote is telling me how really this community is.

 Here is a link to learn more about the importance of memories http://www.lifestyletherapy.net/the-importance-of-memories/

So everything in the perspective of the community for Jonas is changing, he is realizing all of the bad things this community has. So I just can’t wait to see what happens when Jonas leaves his community, because all the memories are going to scape so the community is going to be in panic. Maybe because of the panic that the memories are going to create, every one will know the truth about the community.  I predict that once they know the truth they are going to get out or released. But I think no one is safe.